
4 Best Practices for Valid Email Surveys Members Public

There are multiple reasons why you should be using email surveys as part of your marketing program. However, they all boil down to increased customer satisfaction and increased marketing intelligence. When properly implemented, email surveys give your customers a chance to directly tell you their feelings about your products and


9 Holiday Emails Even Santa Can't Resist Members Public

Holiday emails are now season, and this year consumers are in the mood to spend. The National Retail Federation predicts holiday sales will increase by 4 percent this year, with the average shopper spending $935.  While St. Nick gets his sleigh ready, you can do the same with your ho-ho-holiday


9 Email Design and Content Questions Answered Members Public

Our recent webinar, 27 Design and Content Tips for Creating Clickable Email Campaigns, covered 27 ways to build effective emails. At the end, there were many questions that we could not cover in the allotted time span. As a follow up, here are the answers to those questions along with


How to Create and Email Great Content to Your Customers Members Public

If you’re only emailing coupons to your customers, it’s like owning a fast car and only driving it to church on Sundays. You’re not reaching its full potential. It’s time to rev up your email marketing and see what it can really do for you when


5 Steps to Warming Up Your Cold Email Marketing Strategy Members Public

Cold Email Marketing Doesn’t Have to Send a Chill Up Your Spine The weather is getting colder and that chill in the air makes a lot of us want to snuggle up and hibernate for the winter. Cold weather can have this effect on us, but sending out cold


Why are people unsubscribing from my list, and is it always bad? Members Public

Business owners tend to get worried when people unsubscribe from their email list. They typically believe that a smaller list means fewer potential customers, which in turn, means less revenue. Others believe their email marketing strategy is wrong, otherwise no one would leave. Here’s the thing, not all email


5 Facts No One Ever Told You About A/B Testing Members Public

A/B testing gives you insight into what works best for your email marketing campaigns. However, lots of A/B tests generate flawed data that lead to poor strategic decisions. Usually, this comes from a misunderstanding of how to correctly begin-and end- an A/B test. These five A/B


6 Simple Ways to Keep an Audience Engaged Without A Lot of Effort Members Public

To be a successful marketer, you have to keep your audience engaged. But engaging customers, or interacting with your audience to create an emotional connection with your product or brand, can be a tall order. A recent Gallup poll shows just 40 percent of customers are engaged. Translation? There’s
