Add videos to your emails so that they can inform your audience in the right way.

7 Clever Ways to Use Video Email Marketing [With Examples] Paid Members Public
Email has a bit of a reputation for being old-school. Some people think it’s downright stodgy. But that idea is as outdated as “email is dead”. Email is very much alive, so much so that many social media gurus have launched coaching programs for how to use email marketing.

Displaying Video in Email - For Gmail Recipients Paid Members Public
In our previous article we explained how to embed video in your email campaigns. It turns out that Gmail kind of supports video in email on a limited basis. If your video is under 25MB – you can include the video directly – but we don’t recommend this even though it

How to Use Videos to Improve Your Email Marketing Strategy Paid Members Public
Videos are considered to be the most effective marketing medium for brands and businesses. That is because 80% of web users remember a video ad they saw in the past 30 days. Moreover, shoppers who view videos are 1.81 times more likely to purchase products or pay for services,
How to Embed Video in Email Paid Members Public
Adding Video to your Email Campaigns Embedding video into emails is a hot topic, and there are recent developments that are leading to some limited support for direct playing embedded video in email. The problem is that video in email support isn’t universal and unfortunately – probably won’t be

Video in Email: Everything You Need to Know Paid Members Public
Video marketing is a hot trend right now. It's not necessarily new. After all, 30-second TV commercials started airing decades ago. But today's video marketing is different. It's shorter, more impactful and on platforms that didn't exist when Leave it Beaver aired.