
Is Your Email Marketing Improving Your Sales Cycle? Members Public

Five Underutilized Metrics That Truly Gauge Success or Failure While many outside the industry claim that email marketing is dead, those of us inside the industry know that email is alive and well. But how do you prove to the nay-sayers within your organization that email is improving the sales


How to Get to Know Your Customers Better Members Public

Imagine having a crystal ball that could tell you everything and anything you wanted to know about your customers. If such a tool existed, you would be able to maximize your marketing ROI while developing an open line of communication with all of your customers and leads. With all of


Do Drip Campaigns Really Work? Members Public

Are you looking for a way to nurture leads, communicate regularly with your customers, increase sales or re-engage lost customers? If any of these common goals are on your to-do list, email drip campaigns could be your solution. What are drip campaigns? Simple put, drip campaigns are a series of


Assumptions You Can Make Based on Email Addresses Members Public

What does your mother know about your subscriber’s email addresses? Apparently, A LOT! Well, your mother may have said it best: “The way you present yourself says a lot about you.” The way an email address looks can say a lot about you too. As a marketer, it’s


How Do I Set it and Forget it? Members Public

It doesn’t matter what kind of business you run, there’s never enough time or resources in a day to accomplish everything on your marketing to-do list. Attracting and retaining customers is an everyday effort, but let’s face it, businesses can’t focus 100% of their efforts on


Calculating Lead Cost: How Much Does Your Organization Spend to Generate A Lead? Members Public

In a recent survey, Lead Generation Poses Biggest Challenge for B2Bs, by BtoB Magazine, “generating more leads” was cited by B2B marketers as their number one challenge. There are many articles out there touting ways to quickly generate more leads – bur fewer sources that talk about what really matters: the


How to Calculate Lead Value|How Much is a Lead Worth to Your Organization? Members Public

“You are out of business if you don’t have a prospect!” Zig Ziglar Author, Salesman and Motivational Speaker A prospect, also known as a lead, “is a potential sales contact: an individual or organization that expresses an interest in your goods or services ”. While we can all agree that


How To Effectively Use Email and SMS Together Members Public

As a business owner, you already realize the importance of staying in touch with your leads and customers. If your marketing techniques are up to par with modern technology and proven strategies, then you are already using either Short Message Service (text message/ SMS) or email marketing in your business
