Most Successful Ways to Segment Your Email Subscribers - B2B and B2C Paid Members Public
Would you care about an email campaign that is promoting wool sweaters if you live in Phoenix, Arizona? Or, do you want to get an email on an event in Chicago if you live in Florida? Probably not. The message your sending to subscribers when you send them irrelevant information

What Should I Look at If My Campaign Isn’t Performing? Paid Members Public
You’ve just created a stellar email campaign. You spent time crafting the right message, selecting appealing visuals and making sure your call to action stands out. You hit send and…nothing. Radio silence, or in this case, email silence. What happened? Why didn’t the email work? It’s

On-Demand Webinar | Secrets of Advanced Social Media Advertising Paid Members Public
It’s no longer enough to just “post a few times a day.” Recent changes in social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter provide you with new ways to help your business stay competitive. Take your social media to the next level with Pinpointe and marketing strategist, Michael Reynolds,

6 FAQs About Heat Maps for Your Website and Email Campaigns Paid Members Public
What if there was a tool to help a business optimize its website and email campaigns? There is. What’s the tool? You’re probably thinking: A/B testing. While A/B testing is an amazingly effective tool, we’re talking about its older, sometimes-forgotten-about big brother, the heat map.

8 Marketing Tips To Woo New and Existing Email Subscribers Paid Members Public
How do you woo someone you’re interested in? You might start by getting to know each other over coffee, and eventually progress to dinner. Dinner becomes a night on the town, and then you’re off to meet each other’s parents. Once you’re in a committed relationship,

How to Write a Persuasive Email | The Psychology Behind Marketing Paid Members Public
Do you ever notice how marketers are usually a certain breed? They are more personable, persuasive and great communicators. They have a natural tendency to greet you at the office and usually bring an fun energy to wherever they are. When it comes to writing a persuasive email, this is

7 Tips to Spring Clean Your Email List Paid Members Public
Trees are budding, birds are chirping and there’s a fresh scent in the air. Spring is here. There’s something about this season that makes people want a fresh start, which is probably why 72 percent of Americans use this time for spring cleaning. While many clear closets, shine

On-Demand Webinar | Hello, it's me...The Adele Guide to Email Marketing Paid Members Public
Let's face it, Adele is an a-ma-zing singer, but is she amazing at email? It's debatable, but we think she would be. So, what can Adele teach us about how to do email better? Like Adele, email marketing has a ton of raving fans. More people