
Seven Commandments for Repurposing Marketing Content Members Public

If you’re struggling to put out as much marketing content as today’s content-driven world demands, you are NOT alone. Stats show that it’s worth the effort though, no matter how harrowing the task. According to, content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates


3 Horrific Follow-Up Sales Emails, and Solutions to Fix Them Members Public

There’s a lot of talk about welcome emails that set the tone for a relationship, and promotional emails that can increase sales, but follow-up sales emails are often overlooked. Follow-up sales emails shouldn’t be treated as the black sheep of the email family. They’re an extremely vital


Emojis in Subject Lines: 7 Frequently Asked Questions Answered Members Public

Twitter is full of them, cell phones have pages to choose from and now they’re popping up in email subject lines. We’re talking about emojis. From smiley faces to stars, emojis are now communication tools. Once only popular to teenagers texting at warp thumb speed, emojis have entered


How to Get Up To Speed with Email Remarketing Members Public

Customers want promotions that are tailored to their specific wants and needs, and there’s no better way to send targeted messages than with email remarketing. What’s email remarketing? We’re glad you asked. Email remarketing is the use of a customer’s website behavior to trigger specific emails.


5 Holiday Emails You Can Still Mimic This Season Members Public

Santa delivers gifts in a sleigh, but you can deliver gifts via email. That's right, it’s time to deck your emails with holiday cheer. According to the National Retail Federation, nearly twenty percent of total annual revenue is made during the holiday season. Given the revenue possibilities,


12 Tips to Create a Killer Call to Action for Every Email Members Public

To create a high-performing email, you need to build it with the right components. When Ford builds its Mustang, top-of-the-line parts are used to create a driving experience like no other. An email is the same way. Every part of an email should be the best it can be to


Email Marketing Benchmarks Every Marketer Should Know Members Public

Are you a little confused by email metrics? There’s a ton of things you can track, which is why looking at your email analytics can be a little daunting. How do you know what a good open rate is? How do your numbers stack up against others in the


On-Demand Webinar: How to Get Personal With B2B Email Marketing [with Pam Neely] Members Public

Marketers are living in the age of personalization. They often have a wealth of information at their fingertips – information that can transform their email marketing efforts and boost response rates. Learn how to easily tap into that data and get personal with your email subscribers. Join Pinpointe and top email
