[On-Demand Webinar] How To Create Email Campaigns That Get More Opens, Clicks and Sales


Table of Contents

Email is still one of the most effective marketing tools for many businesses, but are your email campaigns the most effective they can be? In this highly successful webinar, email marketing authority, Pam Neely, breaks down the critical elements required and show you how to create email campaigns that get more opens, click, and sales. Plus she’s shares a mailbox full of recent samples.

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A Glimpse Of What You’ll Learn:

  • Components of an effective mobile-responsive email
  • Subject lines and pre-header text that work
  • Email and call to action copy
  • Successful email design
  • How to use segmentation and personalization
  • Using surveys to get subscribers to tell you what they want
  • Plus More

Covering everything from mobile emails to effective copy and design, we’re sure you’ll leave this webinar knowing how and what you can tweak in your emails campaigns to make them work harder for you.

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