How to Check and Request Removal from 88.blocklist.zap (88.blacklist.zap) Paid Members Public
What is 88.blocklist.zap and How to Get Unblocked What is 88.blocklist.zap? 88.blocklist.zap is an internal ‘DNSBL (DNS blocklist)' maintained by Microsoft's Forefront Hosted Exchange service. It resides on dnsbl.forefront.microsoft.com but is not publicly accessible. Note that it'

GDPR & Email Marketing | How Will Europe's New Privacy Laws Affect Your Email Marketing? Paid Members Public
If you send emails, there's a new privacy law you need to know about. The words "privacy law" probably don't generate a lot of excitement, but trust us, this is a big deal. Europe is about to launch its General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

ON-DEMEAND WEBINAR | 30 Tactics to Take Your Email from Zero to Hero Paid Members Public
Email is still proven to be the best ROI of any marketing channel …regardless of your industry. With that said, there is a lot of noise in the inbox, but if done correctly, email continues to prove itself as the best one-to-one communication channel for brands and is most preferred

How to Audit Your Email Campaigns in 4 Steps [Worksheet Provided] Paid Members Public
How healthy are your email campaigns? It's an odd question, we know. But, once a year your email strategy should get a checkup. To keep your email strategy in tip-top shape, you need to put it under a microscope to make sure you're achieving your goals.

Open Rates Are Not Enough | Step Up Your Game with These 5 Email Marketing Metrics Paid Members Public
Running email marketing campaigns? It only takes 5 metrics to track to get the most out of your campaigns and blow everybody’s mind. When you get started with email marketing there are plenty of guides that will help you, whether it’s how to set up your first campaign

Video in Email: Everything You Need to Know Paid Members Public
Video marketing is a hot trend right now. It's not necessarily new. After all, 30-second TV commercials started airing decades ago. But today's video marketing is different. It's shorter, more impactful and on platforms that didn't exist when Leave it Beaver aired.

ON-DEMAND WEBINAR | Email Marketing Bootcamp: 2-Week Plan to Grow Your Email List Paid Members Public
Marketers, fall in! It's time to whip your email list into shape. Continually adding contacts can be an uphill battle, but not if you have the right growth strategy in place. In this special on-demand event, join Pinpointe and Lisa Furgison McEwen, a five-star email specialist, to get

16 Email Marketing Tools You'll Want for 2018 Paid Members Public
As the New Year rolls around, it's a good time to start incorporating new email marketing tools into your routine. But, who has time to try and test a bunch of marketing tools? Not to worry. Pinpointe has you covered. We've created a list of 16