Email Marketing is Undervalued
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For some reason, the past few years have made marketers undervalue email and overvalue personalization of content through social media. Whatever the reason for this trend, a few important facts still hold true for email marketing for business communications.
The 5 Facts of Email Marketing
2.2 billion people worldwide use email.
Email ads are effective in getting people to visit a company’s website.
Over the last 4 years, email advertising increased sales roughly by 7%.
Nearly 60% of all internet users check email before doing anything else online.
- 95% of email users subscribe to email marketing lists, which translates to more sales!
Email brings marketing messages straight to consumers without requiring extensive research, saving consumer’s time and keeping them informed. When someone is looking for a product, email can ‘hit the nail on the head’ versus social media, because consumers don’t want to spend a lot of time reading content that may or may not relate to them at all. Want proof? Response rates to marketing content in social media are lower than email response rates– simple, yet true. At any rate, there are reasons businesses need to maintain a good social presence and here are just a few…
3 Reasons Businesses Focus on Personalized Content through Social Media
Social Media has been touted as one of the greatest ways to communicate online.
All businesses need a social media presence to be a success.
- 30% of consumers trust referrals from a website they trust.
Although there is a ton of personalized content out there because of social media making it possible, very few people actually read that personalized content on social media.
> View the infographic illustrating why email is undervalued.
The 4 Main Struggles with Personalized Content
Only 7% of mobile users prefer reading personalized content on their phone.
People don’t have time to read large amounts of personalized content.
A small percentage of marketers have a CMS that speeds up personalization.
- Personalized content gets lost amount millions of pages, tweets, and posts online.
The reality of what marketers can accomplish with personalized content varies greatly with what they can do with email advertising.
5 Things Marketers CAN Do With Personalized Content:
Aim to please and draw in customers.
Reach a targeted audience.
Watch where site traffic is coming from.
Encourage consumers to make multiple purchases.
- Attract attention to other products and services.
Although it’s a great awareness tool, personalization seeks to engage and turn leads into sales where email advertising has customers right in front of the message, making people more likely to buy.
Email marketing is undervalued and is a camuable tool that cannot be replaced by offering personalized content through social media. Both strategies have their place in B2B marketing, but email marketing has proven time and time again to close those deals and at the small cost of a time investment and an email marketing automation system to keep you on track.
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