Webinar - SEO: 'Must-Do Now!' SEO Tips

SEO: 'Must-Do' Tips to Make SEO Work For You from Pinpointe on Vimeo

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Join Pinpointe and our special guest presenter, Jon Rognerud to learn 'How to Make Search Engines Work For You.'  Jon is a noted Search Engine Optimization (SEO) expert and author of 'The Ultimate Guide to Search Engine Optimization'.  In this information-packed webinar, Jon will show several low cost ways to improve your 'natural search' traffic to your website. 

Jon covers the following:

  • How to grow your opt-in email list with SEO 
  • Top ranking factors and the SEO framework 
  • The big 4 myths of SEO 
  • 5 must-do SEO tips to do now.

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