ON-DEMAND WEBINAR | How to Effectively Track Your Marketing Campaigns & Prove ROI

One of the most challenges jobs as a marketer is proving ROI for your campaigns.

There are a multitude of different methods markers use, but the first step is tracking the success and failures of all the channels used for each campaign. The good news is…tracking your campaigns is simple if you know how to do it, and we will show you how in this special on-demand webinar.

In this on-demand event, Pinpointe teams up with Effin Amazing’s CEO, Dan McGaw, to show you an ROI tracking method that will enable you to:

  • Track all cross-channel traffic
  • Attribute traffic to different campaigns
  • Understand the impact of A/B testing
  • See what elements of your campaign are producing the greatest ROI
  • And more…

If you want to be successful in tracking ROI for your marketing campaigns, this is one webinar you’ll want to view.

View this webinar & slide deck today.

Presenter Information

Dan McGaw, CEO of UTM.io and Effin Amazing

Dan McGaw is an award-winning entrepreneur and speaker. He is also the Founder and CEO of UTM.io and Effin Amazing, an analytics and growth consultancy that helps product and marketing teams get data-driven and optimize their businesses. Coined one of the original growth hackers, he has led the teams at Kissmetrics.com and CodeSchool.com. In 2015, Dan was selected to be a United States Ambassador of Entrepreneurship by the United States State Department, where he had the privilege to advise universities, governments, and private corporations on how to build entrepreneur ecosystems.