Webinar: How a SPAM Firewall Works

Our first webinar – 'Email Marketing 101' focused on tips to improve delivery with a concentration on email content.   In this Webinar, (aka "Why Good Emails Go Bad") we take it up a notch and explain in detail, the end-to-end trials and tribulations of an email message as it flows from your outbox to (hopefully) the recipients inbox.

This webinar is more technical.  Our goal is to not only leave you with a dozen or so specific tips, but to help understand all the places where your email can get tripped up before finally hitting the recipient's inbox. The topics include:

  • How current Enterprise Email Filters work
  • Tracking an Email from send to delivery: possible pitfalls along the way
  • Designing for the Inbox

You can download the slide deck at the bottom of this posting.  And hey, please share!

Here's an overview diagram – you can also download the slide deck and on-demand version of the presentation here…

Here's the  slide deck and on-demand version of the webinar….

  Download 10 page Q and A summary: "Email Marketing 201: How a



SPAM Firewall Works" (.pdf format)"

  Download Slide Deck: "Email Marketing 201: How an Enterprise



SPAM Firewall Works" (.pdf format)"