Top Independent Email Marketing Blogs

How often do you land on a great blog with a ton of relevant information that will actually help you? Normally, this doesn't happen all too often and is usually the result of hours of searching the web to find the information you are looking for, or just pure 'I just happened to click upon this' luck. Maybe you are having one of those 'lucky' moments right now…

This blog article provides you with the mother lode of email marketing information. We have scoured the web (so you don't have to) to share with you our top (and favorite) email marketing blogs. From email deliverability to email design to research reports, this list covers it all.

Do you have a favorite too that is not included in our list. Please let us know…

Email Deliverability

With a few decades of experience, these guys have been around long enough to know what they are talking about. They offer sender strategic advice on email delivery and program management. A majority of their entries are fairly brief, getting to the important details. They also recognize real people read their blogs and post the occasional techie joke to make the reader laugh.

Return Path helps ensure that your email campaign builds trust across the entire email email ecosystem by protecting your campaign from being flagged as spam or other abuse. Accessing their blog will ensure you build better relationships with your customers and improve your ROI. You will find a mix of webinars, guides, and articles pertaining to recent marketing news.

Email Strategy

A blog ran by Kath Pay and Tamara Gielen who have a combined almost 30 years of experience in the digital marketing field. Along with their own email marketing blogs, Plan to Engage helps ensure that your business is keeping up on the latest email marketing strategies in an ever evolving market. In addition to their own content, they also post great reads on other sites, information on training courses, and interesting YouTube videos.

Smart Insights offers wonderful actionable marketing advice based on analytical data to help ensure you make the most out of your digital marketing channels. Along with their awesome blog, they offer a reasonably priced set of marketing tools that give you actionable advice derived from Google Analytics, are comprehensive and well structured. They offer different ways to learn, from templates, ebooks, video courses, and screencasts. With several different writers on their blog, the healthy array of writing styles will ensure you find a piece enjoyable to read (Pinpointe personally loves all things written by Dave Chaffey, the head editor at Smart Insights).

The blog is run by Jordie van Rijn, specialist email marketing consultant with over 10 years of experience. He posts great advice on how to increase the intelligence of your online marketing, grow your response and revenue, evolve and better define your email strategy, and update your content and its relevance. He has wonderful personal insight backed by quality statistics. Jordie is also available for additional consulting when needed.

ClickZ claims themselves as the largest resource of interactive marketing news, information, commentary, advice, opinion, research, and reference in the world. They cover information on marketing, email, analytics, media, social, and even more. A great all around blog, especially the suggesting practices in email marketing for B2B, deliverability, optimization, and more.

We are sharing two awesome sections of Marketing Land’s site. Led by Danny Sullivan, this blog covers news and information about internet marketing, marketing issues, and online marketing industry. The news they cover is always the latest and most noteworthy news in the industry. They then generate really informative email marking articles based off their reports.

Danny Brown, a highly successful marketer, along with writing award winning books, hosts his own blog. Recognized as the #1 marketing blog in the world by HubSpot, his blog posts are all unique, offering his own perspective on the latest in the industry. His entries are wonderfully written, encouraging you to read them all the way through rather than simply skim the headers and bullet points

These guys have some awesome email marketing blog entries to help optimize your campaign. They break down some really important concepts in a new and unique manner. Along with their blog, they also have some really good free to download in-depth guides on their site.

Listrak is a digital marketing company with retailers in mind. However, their blog offers great advice for all email marketers looking to optimize their campaign. Their articles are always a comfortable length, getting you the information you need without dedicating hours of your time into one entry. They support their writing with some instructive and supporting images, while also keeping it light hearted with the occasional funny picture or .gif.

Email Design

Litmus has one of our favorite blogs. Their site is sleek and simple yet incredibly informative. They cover email design best practices, troubleshooting tips for rendering issues, hands-on videos, inspirational campaigns, and more. All their entries are supported with solid data and the latest information in the field. Plus, their blog template is absolutely beautiful and a pleasure to scroll through. Definitely a must read.

Combining the tips and tricks that Email on Acid’s blog provides with their product will give you full confidence that your email looks amazing no matter what device it is opened from. In addition, their blog will also help you optimize your campaigns through email analytics and marketing strategies. The writing style is always fun to read through in these wonderfully written articles. Another must read on our list.

Email Monks blog focuses on making your email look fantastic once it is opened. Their entries give spot on advice while maintaining their Email Monk style of writing. Additionally, they offer great services, converting your email design into html and ensuring it looks great across a wide range of clients and devices. Check out their blog for information on email delivery, design, marketing, and testing to make your email stand out.

Unbounce offers beautiful landing page templates that help you produce high-converting landing pages without dealing with IT bottlenecks. They also host their own blog, focusing on optimizing your landing page and email marketing campaign to convert a click to a customer. Their content is very in-depth, yet formatted in a matter that makes it easy to skim. However, I would highly suggest taking the time to read their entire pieces; their highly helpful content is always based on cold hard numbers.

StyleCampaign is another email marketing design company with a focus on mobile devices. Their blog is not updated constantly, posting about once a month or so. However, their posts are always worth the wait. They offer incredibly deep advice based on extensive testing. Definitely take the time to read through these top notch entries.

Ok not email marketing technically but hey, isn’t email marketing all about creating and disseminating high value content?  To drive home the point of how important copywriting is for email, our research shows that more than 40% of a recipient’s decision to open your email is based on the subject and send-from.  Exceptional copywriting is at the core for email marketing / marketing automation success and Copyblogger delivers insightful, fun-to-read tips that apply to email marketing, site design landing pages and more.

Case Studies / Examples

Powered by Epsilon, Email Institute covers a wide breadth of subjects about email marketing. They produce some exceptional, in-depth, case studies that back up their guides on email marketing best practices. We find their B2B category of entries to be particularly informative.

Market Resources / Research Reports

An award-winning online publisher of research covering a wide range of digital marketing. Their blog entries give great advice on how to improve your marketing strategies, often connecting to detailed data compiled from current events. These guys definitely have a top-notch blog with some cutting edge information.

Mashable offers relevant news and information surrounding the digital world. Using the most current reports, they help ensure that your company is strategizing based off today’s most up to date research. We particularly appreciate the global view that their articles offer.

The only email automation vender on our list.  Hubspot has single-handedly ‘educated’ more marketers about digital marketing than… anyone. Kudos. The blog is a continual stream of great marketing content about email marketing, marketing automation and digital marketing in general. Hubspot publishes an average of twelve posts per week on analytics, blogging, email marketing, landing pages, lead generation, paid search, SEO, and social media.

Run by Mark Brownlow, this blog is great for finding an informative article on any subject about email marketing. Their content is both for those drafting their first campaign and seasoned email marketing veterans. Mark has categorized his entries into “guides” on a specific subject, making it easy to locate exactly the information you’re seeking. 


This site we’re including as a little bonus. It isn't exactly a blog, but rather a gold mine of data. Gathering information from various sources throughout the industry, is the leading destination for research, metrics, and insight on all things email marketing. A wonderful site to visit if you are looking to make your own blog articles more authoritative.