8 Tips for Better Autoresponder Welcome Emails

Autoresponder welcome emails are the "bait" that will determine whether you can reel those potential clients you have attracted to your business to your business through email subscription sign-ups, and convert them into customers. In case you’re not familiar, an email autoresponder is an email marketing message or a sequence of messages that get sent to subscribers in the order and frequency that you decide.

Autoresponder welcome emails are usually sent right after a person signs up for your company’s marketing emails. And while new subscribers may be familiar with your business and product or service, the first email you send is your chance to really knock their socks off and convince them why your email messages are worth their time.

Bob Bly, noted internet strategist, talks about using 'digital bait' to attract subscribers – then use the 'Agora Model' to nurture leads over time and convert prospects into customers by making sure that your welcome email sequences are effective

Because your autoresponder welcome emails will determine how recipients react to future messages from you in their inboxes, you've got to make the first message count. In our webinar 'Drip Marketing Campaign Tips' – industry expert Tamara Geilen walks through several great drip marketing campaign examples. 

Here are eight tips to creating a great series of autoresponder welcome emails that hit the bull's-eye in recipient engagement and satisfaction:

1) Give 'em Compelling Autoresponder Welcome Emails

This seems obvious, but many businesses divert to the extremely common, "Welcome to [product name]," email or one of its variations, either because they don't invest the time or effort to create intriguing content, or because they just don't know any better. Customer support technology buff Vinay Sahni explains a welcome autoresponder message is competing with every other message in the recipient's inbox for attention, so it has to be unique, relevant and interesting. Go beyond introducing your product or service – actually explain how your offerings will improve the user's life and what the next step he or she should take is.

2) Make the Subject Pop on Autoresponder Welcome Emails With Targeted Keywords

Once you've figured out what you want to say, make sure you announce it the right way. Consider target email keywords and keep it brief, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't put thought into the subject line. In fact, with 7 in 10 people deciding whether an email is spam based solely on the subject line, we suggest you spend 50 percent of your time writing an email composing the subject alone. Need more clarification? Check out our webinar, "Writing Tips to Improve Email Responses."


3) Send Your Autoresponder Welcome Emails Immediately

Timing is crucial, especially if people who sign up for emails are new to your business. CMS Wire suggests you send your email responder welcome message within 24 hours of an opt-in or login registration. However, working in a digital world has led many professionals to expect things instantly. Why wait and give them more time to forget you? Send (or trigger) the first of the autoresponder welcome emails within minutes.

4) Remind Subscribers Why They Are Getting Your Email

This is one mistake email marketers make more than all others – forgetting to remind your recipients who you are and why they're getting your email!  Even if you send the welcome wagon message immediately when users sign up, they may not access their inbox for several hours or days. Keep in mind you're competing for inbox attention with hundreds of other emails, so remind recipients why and when they signed up for your emails. You make even want to ask them to add you to their contact list to ensure your messages aren't headed straight for the spam folder.

5) Don't Pretend to be Something You're Not

Seems like silly advice, right? Well, not for businesses that insist on using a formal or detached tone in emails to clients and prospects. Think about your brand's identity – what's its voice? Granted, professionalism is a must in some industries, but remember that real people are reading your emails. When it comes down to it, humans like relatable, relevant and concise content. Customer.io came up with 57 rules of thumb for writing emails people can relate to. Also consider the example of daily deal email company Groupon, which made its email voice an iconic part of its overall brand image.


6) Make Sure Your Email Autoresponders Give Them Something to Do

According to Clickz, new subscribers are more likely to respond or physically react to welcome email responder messages than clients who've been receiving your messages for a while. The marketing news source recommends including a bold call to action and making links easy to spot.

Another way to engage recipients from the get-go is by asking what they want out of the relationship with your business. Give them the option up front to manage their subscriptions or sign up for specific emails like webinar or event announcements, newsletters, product or service news and industry insight.

7) Keep Your Welcome Email Autoresponders Brief 

Above all else, aim for short and sweet messages. Limit the fluff – you've got blogs and website pages for that. To get your message across in a concise manner, consider using bullet points or lists to outline your main points.

If you don't have a lot to say in your welcome message and just can't help but share it all, consider splitting your first email into several. In fact, Clickz marketing news states three or four welcome emails can help drive conversion. Just make sure to spread them out so that each covers one important topic. According to Vocus, you should limit the number of emails you send to recipients per month and make sure not to send them all at once. For example, send a welcome email the first day, a coupon the 10th, and a referral to your blog the 20th.

8) Use Email Etiquette in Your Welcome Email Autoresponders

Mother would be appalled if she found out you weren't thanking users for signing up. Let subscribers know you value their business, and take the opportunity to invite them to contact you in return in your autoresponder welcome emails. You may even want to provide users with an actual person's email address, rather than an info@ or something similar, which lets them know they're reaching out to people, not robots.

It's also imperative that your websites and social media information figure into your message, preferably near your sign off.  Be sure to use social sharing and tracking.

There you have it…8 tips that will help you create better autoresponder welcome emails.

Be sure to check out Pinpointe’s advanced autoresponder feature to effective email marketing campaigns that will magnify your results.